A colorful variety…

My neighborhood has a farmers market every Sunday morning from 9-2 or so, and I love to walk down there and get some coffee and sample all of the fruits and vegetables. I can pretty much make a whole meal of just samples! There are local vendors offering fruits, vegetables, cheeses, fresh varieties of salsa and hummus, beautiful fresh flowers and more…all with some live folk music going on in the background. There is also a prepared foods area with everything from crepes to mexican to homemade cookies and breads. Today I went with my friend Nikki and stocked up on some fresh fruits and veggies. Everything I tasted was so good, I wanted to get more…but as I’ve learned, when cooking for one there is only so much fresh produce you can handle before it starts to go bad. I was just excited about all of the color in my bag and can’t wait to enjoy it all this week…yum!


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